How To Clean Gold Stainless Steel Jewelry?

Gold stainless steel jewelry is a type of jewelry that is made by coating a layer of pure gold onto a base metal. It includes various chemical compositions such as nickel, brass, stainless steel, silver, or copper. This stainless steel jewelry is a popular choice for its durability, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. However, it can lose its shine and luster over time due to exposure to dirt, oils, sweat, and other factors. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to clean gold stainless steel jewelry to keep it looking brand new. Check the below steps,

  • The first and simplest way to clean gold stainless steel jewelry is by using warm water and soap. Start by filling a bowl with warm water and add a small amount of mild soap. Then, dip the jewelry in the soapy solution and gently rub it with a soft-bristled brush, like a toothbrush. And, make sure to clean every nook and cranny of the jewelry. After that, rinse it thoroughly with cold water and dry it with a soft towel or a hair dryer in a low heat setting.
  • Another way to clean gold stainless steel jewelry is by using baking soda and water. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of warm water to form a paste. Dip a soft cloth or brush into the paste and apply it to the jewelry. Rub it gently in circular motions to remove tarnish or dirt. Rinse the jewelry with cold water and dry it with a soft towel or a hair dryer in a low heat setting.
  • If the above methods do not remove all stains or tarnish, you may need to use specialized cleaning products. Look for stainless steel jewelry cleaning solution that is specifically designed for gold stainless steel. Apply the solution to the jewelry and gently rub it with a soft cloth or brush. Follow the instructions on the cleaning product carefully, as each product may have a different application method. Remember to avoid touching any gemstones, and never use silver cleaner or silver polish on stainless steel jewelry.